The type of evidence needed for a hypothesis to supported or not supported is __________

demostrative evidence
physically evidence
observational evidence
circumstantial evidence

observational evidence

The type of evidence needed for a hypothesis to be supported or not supported is observational evidence.

The type of evidence needed for a hypothesis to be supported or not supported is observational evidence.

To understand why observational evidence is important, let me explain how it works. Observational evidence involves collecting data and making observations about the phenomenon or subject being studied. This evidence can come from direct observations, experiments, or measurements. It is crucial in the scientific method to gather and analyze observational evidence to test a hypothesis.

When evaluating a hypothesis, scientists rely on observational evidence to determine if it aligns with the data and observations collected. If the evidence gathered supports the hypothesis, it adds weight to its credibility. Conversely, if the evidence contradicts the hypothesis, it weakens or even disproves its validity.

It's important to note that other types of evidence, such as demonstrative evidence, physical evidence, and circumstantial evidence, may be relevant in other contexts, such as a legal trial. However, when it comes to scientific inquiry and testing hypotheses, observational evidence is the primary type of evidence used.