Doing the teen years, our self-esteem usually? Decreases. Is this right?

It is common for self-esteem to decrease during the teenage years, but it is not a universal experience. Teenagers often face various challenges and changes, such as hormonal fluctuations, body image concerns, academic pressure, social comparison, and identity formation, which can contribute to lower self-esteem. However, self-esteem can also fluctuate based on individual circumstances, personality traits, and support systems. Some teenagers may experience an increase in self-esteem during this period as they navigate adolescence and gain a better understanding of themselves.

During the teenage years, self-esteem can both increase and decrease. It is a period of significant physical, emotional, and social changes, which can sometimes impact self-esteem negatively. Adolescents may experience insecurities, self-doubt, and comparison to peers, which can lead to a decrease in self-esteem. However, it's important to note that self-esteem can also improve during this time as teenagers develop their identities, gain independence, and achieve personal goals. It can vary from person to person and depend on various factors such as individual experiences, support systems, and personal growth.