When you see pop-ups while working on the computer, what should you do?

When you see pop-ups while working on your computer, you should follow these steps:

1. Do not click on the pop-up: Avoid clicking on any links or buttons within the pop-up as they may lead to harmful websites or trigger malicious downloads.
2. Close the pop-up window: Locate the "X" button on the pop-up window and click on it to close the window. Be cautious while closing the pop-up as some may have hidden buttons designed to deceive you.
3. Use the task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc): If you are unable to close the pop-up by clicking on the X button or if it keeps reappearing, use the task manager to force close the browser or the application displaying the pop-up.
4. Check your computer for malware: Use a reliable anti-malware or antivirus software to perform a full system scan and detect any potentially harmful programs or files that may be causing the pop-ups.
5. Update your browser and enable pop-up blockers: Keep your web browser up to date and enable pop-up blockers to prevent future unwanted pop-ups. Pop-up blockers can usually be found in the browser's settings or preferences.
6. Avoid clicking on suspicious ads: Be cautious while browsing and avoid clicking on any suspicious or unfamiliar advertisements that may appear on websites as they can often lead to pop-ups.
7. Educate yourself about phishing scams: Learn about different types of online scams and phishing tactics to be better prepared and avoid falling victim to them.
8. Contact technical support if needed: If pop-ups persist or if you suspect your computer may be infected with malware, contact technical support for assistance and further guidance.

When you see pop-ups while working on the computer, here are the steps you should take:

1. Do not click on the pop-up: Pop-ups can be deceptive and may contain malware or phishing attempts. It is best to avoid interacting with them.

2. Close the pop-up: Look for the "X" button located on the top right corner of the pop-up window and click on it to close the pop-up.

3. Use task manager (Windows) or activity monitor (Mac): If the pop-up does not close or freezes your computer, you can use the task manager (Windows) or activity monitor (Mac) to force quit the program associated with the pop-up.

4. Clear browsing history and cache: If the pop-up occurs while browsing the internet, clearing your browser history and cache can help prevent future pop-ups. This option is usually found in the browser's settings or preferences.

5. Install a pop-up blocker: To avoid pop-ups in the future, consider installing a pop-up blocker extension or add-on for your web browser. This will help to block any unwanted pop-ups from appearing while you are browsing the internet.

6. Run a malware scan: If you frequently encounter pop-ups, it could be a sign of malware on your computer. Run a full system scan using your antivirus software to identify and remove any potential threats.

7. Update your operating system and software: Keeping your operating system and software up to date can help prevent pop-ups that exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software.

By following these steps, you can better manage pop-ups and protect your computer from potential threats.