“I am a citizen of the world” is a key line in the story “When Greek Meets Greek.” What does this line mean to you? Explain how this line fits the events of this story or another selection in this unit. Include details to support your explanation.

To me, the line "I am a citizen of the world" signifies a sense of transcending national boundaries and embracing a global perspective. It suggests that one sees oneself as part of a larger human community, acknowledging shared values and empathy for people from different cultures or countries.

In the context of the story "When Greek Meets Greek," this line perfectly encapsulates the theme of cultural exchange and understanding. The story revolves around the meeting of two different nationalities, the American protagonist and the Greek family he encounters. Through a series of comical misunderstandings and cultural clashes, the narrative highlights the importance of seeing beyond national identities and embracing common humanity.

In one particular instance, the protagonist, Arthur, is invited to the Greek family's home for dinner. Despite his initial apprehensions and unfamiliarity with Greek customs, Arthur gradually adapts to the new environment. He tries the traditional Greek dishes, embraces their way of celebrating with music and dancing, and gains an appreciation for their culture.

This transformation in Arthur's mindset is crucial to the story, as it reflects his evolving understanding and acceptance of different cultures. By the end of the story, Arthur becomes a more open-minded and inclusive individual, transcending his American identity and embracing his role as a citizen of the world.

Additionally, this line can also be applied to other selections in the unit that explore themes of cultural diversity and empathy. For instance, in the poem "Where I'm From" by George Ella Lyon, the speaker reflects on their multiethnic heritage, showcasing how their identity is shaped by various cultures and experiences. The line "I am a citizen of the world" would resonate with the poem's exploration of universal human qualities and the interconnectedness of people from diverse backgrounds.

Overall, the line "I am a citizen of the world" represents the importance of embracing a global perspective and recognizing the shared humanity across different cultures. It fits the events in "When Greek Meets Greek" and other selections in the unit by promoting empathy, cultural exchange, and a sense of belonging to a larger human community.

The line "I am a citizen of the world" holds significant meaning in the story "When Greek Meets Greek" by Samuel Selvon. This line represents the idea of global citizenship and transcending cultural boundaries. It signifies a sense of unity and the ability to connect with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

In the story, the protagonist, Mr. Stewart, is a Trinidadian man who encounters a Greek immigrant, Mr. Panaman. Initially, there is a cultural barrier between the two characters, as they have different languages, customs, and perspectives. However, as the story unfolds, they begin to understand and appreciate each other's experiences.

The line "I am a citizen of the world" reflects Mr. Stewart's realization that despite their differences, he and Mr. Panaman are both part of a larger global community. It shows his willingness to embrace diversity and his understanding that human experiences and emotions are universal.

This line also signifies the theme of unity in the story. Despite their cultural differences, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Panaman find common ground and form a bond. They both share the experience of being immigrants in a foreign country, facing similar challenges and struggles.

Furthermore, the idea of being a citizen of the world is a recurring theme in literature across different periods. In other selections from this unit, such as "The Wanderer" or "The Unknown Citizen," characters grapple with their identities and the concept of belonging.

In "The Wanderer," the speaker reflects on his exile and isolation, searching for a sense of belonging in a world where everything is transient. The line "I am a citizen of the world" can relate to how the speaker yearns for connection and a place to call home, despite his nomadic existence.

Similarly, in "The Unknown Citizen," the poem criticizes society's emphasis on conformity and labels. The line "I am a citizen of the world" could be seen as a rejection of being categorized and reduced to mere statistics, as the poem highlights the dehumanization of individuals in modern society.

Overall, the line "I am a citizen of the world" holds a universal message about embracing diversity, finding commonalities, and transcending cultural boundaries. It connects to the events and themes in "When Greek Meets Greek" as well as other selections in this unit, reflecting the timeless importance of understanding and unity.