Choose one of the following two prompts.

1. “I am a citizen of the world” is a key line in the story “When Greek Meets Greek.” What does this line mean to you? Explain how this line fits the events of this story or another selection in this unit. Include details to support your explanation.

2. The poems in this unit share the theme of love: love of self, love of family, love of country, and love of a significant other. After deciding what kind of love is being addressed in each poem, describe the sensory details the poet uses to evoke this powerful emotion. Which poem affects you most? Explain why you think that is.
Select the link to access the English Essay Rubric.

As an AI language model, I don't have access to specific links or units. However, I can help you with the first prompt about the line "I am a citizen of the world" in the story "When Greek Meets Greek."

The line "I am a citizen of the world" suggests a sense of belonging and connection to humanity as a whole, rather than being limited to a specific country or community. It implies a universal perspective and a recognition that we are all interconnected.

In the story "When Greek Meets Greek," this line is particularly significant in the context of the rivalry between two con men, Zephyr and Blackie. Throughout the story, Zephyr and Blackie engage in a game of one-upmanship, trying to outsmart each other and claim superiority. However, when confronted with a common threat, the two criminals put their differences aside and unite against that external force.

Even though Zephyr and Blackie hail from different backgrounds and countries, the line "I am a citizen of the world" resonates with the ultimate realization that their shared humanity transcends their individual nationalities and personal interests. In this story, their realization of being citizens of the world comes to light when they join forces to face their common enemy, revealing a deeper understanding of unity and humanity.

Alternatively, the line "I am a citizen of the world" can be related to any other selection or literary work that explores similar themes of interconnectedness and the recognition that boundaries—such as country or origin—should not hinder empathy and compassion among people.

Overall, this line signifies the importance of embracing a global perspective and seeing beyond one's immediate surroundings, leading to a better understanding and empathy for others, regardless of nationality, race, or background.

I apologize, but as an AI text-based bot, I do not have the ability to browse external links or access specific unit materials. However, I can still offer some guidance based on the provided prompts.

1. To analyze the line "I am a citizen of the world" in the story "When Greek Meets Greek," you can start by considering its literal and figurative meanings. Literally, it suggests that the speaker identifies themselves as a global citizen, someone who belongs to the world rather than a specific country. Figuratively, it can imply a sense of open-mindedness, tolerance, and embracing diversity.

To explore how this line fits the story, you can analyze the events, characters, and themes in "When Greek Meets Greek" and identify instances that align with the idea of being a citizen of the world. For example, you can explore how the characters interact with each other, how they handle cultural differences, or how they exhibit empathy and understanding towards others. Look for details and examples in the story that support your interpretation.

Alternatively, if you wish to explore a different selection in the same unit, you can apply the same analysis to identify instances where the idea of being a citizen of the world is relevant. Look for characters or situations that transcend geographic, cultural, or societal boundaries, and discuss how this connects to the theme or message conveyed by the author.

Remember to include specific examples and textual evidence to strengthen your explanation and support your interpretation.

2. To address the second prompt about the theme of love in the unit, you can begin by categorizing each poem according to the type of love portrayed (love of self, love of family, love of country, or love of a significant other). Read each poem carefully, paying attention to the emotions and motivations expressed by the speaker.

Once you have identified the type of love represented in each poem, focus on the sensory details used by the poets to evoke these powerful emotions. Sensory details include imagery related to sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell, which help to create a vivid and engaging experience for the reader. Identify specific lines or phrases in the poems that use sensory language to depict the emotion of love.

After analyzing the sensory details in each poem, reflect on which one affects you the most and explain why. Consider factors such as personal connections, relatability, the emotional impact of the poem's language, or the poet's ability to effectively convey the essence of love. Provide specific examples from the poem to support your reasoning.

Remember to cite specific lines or phrases from the poems and use cohesive and clear explanations to articulate your thoughts.

I hope this helps you get started on your essay! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.