Your presentation should have the following components:

Images of fast food ads targeting teens and children
A chart and/or graph to show how much fast food companies spend on advertising
A discussion of the legal, financial, and ethical considerations behind marketing, distribution, and selling to teens and children
Analysis of the role of ethics as it pertains to marketing information management
A conclusion summarizing the importance of ethics in business and whether marketing to teens and children is ethical or unethical

Title: The Ethics of Marketing Fast Food to Teens and Children

I. Introduction
A. Importance of addressing the ethics of marketing fast food to teens and children
B. Overview of components of the presentation

II. Images of Fast Food Ads Targeting Teens and Children
A. Visual representation of fast food ads aimed at the young demographic
B. Discussion of persuasive techniques utilized in these advertisements
C. Examination of the potential impact on children's dietary choices and health

III. Chart and/or Graph: Fast Food Companies' Advertising Expenditure
A. Presentation of data showcasing the significant investment in advertising by fast food companies
B. Analysis of the implications and influence of such advertising on teens and children
C. Comparison of spending on advertising versus investment in nutrition education

IV. Legal, Financial, and Ethical Considerations
A. Discussion of the legal framework surrounding marketing to teens and children
B. Examination of financial motivations driving fast food companies' marketing strategies
C. Exploration of ethical considerations and potential harm caused by targeting vulnerable populations

V. Analysis of Ethics in Marketing Information Management
A. Highlighting the role of ethics in managing marketing information
B. Discussion on the importance of transparency, accuracy, and consumer privacy
C. Examination of potential ethical dilemmas related to data collection and use

VI. Conclusion: The Importance of Ethics in Business
A. Summarizing the significance of ethics in the business world
B. Evaluating the ethical implications of marketing fast food to teens and children
C. Exploring alternative approaches for responsible marketing to young consumers

VII. Q&A Session (Optional)
A. Encouraging audience participation and addressing questions and concerns

In conclusion, this presentation examines the ethics of marketing fast food to teens and children by discussing persuasive ads, analyzing advertising expenditure, exploring legal and financial implications, and evaluating the role of ethics in marketing information management. By highlighting these considerations, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of ethics in business and spark a critical debate on whether or not marketing to young consumers is ethical or unethical.

Step 1: Images of fast food ads targeting teens and children

Include 2-3 images of fast food ads that specifically target teens and children. These images should clearly demonstrate the strategies used to attract this demographic, such as bright colors, popular characters, or toys included in the meal.

Step 2: Chart and/or graph on fast food advertising expenditure
Create a chart or graph to visually represent how much fast food companies spend on advertising. You can obtain this data from industry reports, market research, or financial statements. Include relevant information such as total spending, specific advertising channels used, and any trends or changes over time.

Step 3: Discussion of legal, financial, and ethical considerations
Provide a detailed discussion on the legal, financial, and ethical aspects related to marketing, distribution, and selling to teens and children. Cover topics such as:
- Legal considerations: laws and regulations governing advertising to minors, including restrictions on certain types of advertising content.
- Financial considerations: the significant amount of money fast food companies invest in marketing and how it impacts their profitability and sales.
- Ethical considerations: potential harm caused by targeting children with unhealthy food choices, the responsibility of companies to promote healthy eating habits, and the debate over advertising's influence on consumer choices.

Step 4: Analysis of ethics in marketing information management
Analyze the role of ethics in marketing information management. Discuss issues such as:
- Privacy: how the collection and use of personal information for targeted advertising may raise ethical concerns.
- Transparency: the need for companies to be transparent about their marketing strategies, including the targeting of teens and children.
- Manipulation: the ethics of using persuasive tactics in marketing to influence young consumers who may not fully understand advertising techniques.

Step 5: Conclusion on the importance and ethics of marketing to teens and children
Conclude your presentation by summarizing the key points and highlighting the importance of ethics in business. Reflect on the ethical considerations discussed throughout the presentation and present your own perspective on whether marketing to teens and children is ethical or unethical. Draw on the evidence and arguments presented in your earlier sections to support your conclusion.

Remember to use visuals, clear explanations, and credible sources to provide a comprehensive and engaging presentation.