What is one reason why the percentage of overweight teens has increased over the past 50 years?

(1 point)

Teenagers spend a lot more time outside.
Television commercials promote healthy food.
There is more junk food and fast food available.
People today have less access to food.

There is more junk food and fast food available.

weight to height.

Participate in a variety of physical activities.

BMI is a ratio of

(1 point)

height to body fat.
weight to height.
muscle mass to bone mass.
weight to activity level

What is the best way for you to take care of yourself?

(1 point)

Participate in a variety of physical activities.
Worry about being physically perfect.
Eat more calories than you can burn.
Make yourself look like TV stars and models.

An object falls through the air, gaining speed as it falls. A student claims that this creates new energy, and so it breaks the law of conservation of energy. Which statement describes why the student is incorrect?(1 point)


The most likely reason for the increase in overweight teens over the past 50 years is that there is more junk food and fast food available. To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the other options and eliminate them.

First, the option that teenagers spend a lot more time outside is unlikely to be a reason for the increase in overweight teens. The question is specifically about the percentage of overweight teens, not their general activity level. Spending more time outside could potentially result in more physical activity, which could counterbalance the occurrence of being overweight. Therefore, this option can be eliminated.

Second, television commercials promoting healthy food is also an unlikely reason for the increase in overweight teens. While advertisements can influence consumer choices to some extent, it is important to note that the prevalence of advertisements promoting healthy food has not necessarily increased over the past 50 years. Furthermore, even if there were more commercials promoting healthy food, it does not guarantee that teenagers would choose to consume those products. Therefore, this option can also be eliminated.

Finally, the option stating that people today have less access to food is also improbable as a reason for the increase in overweight teens. Over the past 50 years, there have been significant advancements in food production, distribution, and accessibility. It is more likely that people have greater access to a variety of food options today, including fast food and junk food, which can contribute to weight gain.

Based on the eliminated options, the most plausible reason for the increase in overweight teens over the past 50 years is that there is more junk food and fast food available. The easy availability, affordability, and marketing efforts behind these types of food can lead to increased consumption, which can consequently result in weight gain.