Connections academy-I am on English 10 and does anyone know what vocabulary words for the unit one vocabulary Aztec creation story

I apologize, but I do not have access to specific vocabulary words or materials for the Aztec creation story in Unit One of Connections Academy's English 10 curriculum. It would be best to consult your course materials, textbook, or teacher for a list of vocabulary words specific to that unit.

To find the vocabulary words for the Unit 1 vocabulary in the Aztec creation story for Connections Academy English 10, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the Connections Academy website and log in to your account.
2. Navigate to the English 10 course or dashboard.
3. Look for the Unit 1 materials or resources section.
4. Click on the Unit 1 vocabulary or vocabulary list.
5. Scan through the vocabulary list to find the specific words related to the Aztec creation story.

If you cannot find the vocabulary list on the website, you may consider reaching out to your teacher or classmates for assistance.