How many Mexican pesos can you buy for $180

The exchange rate of Mexican pesos to US dollars varies, so the exact amount of Mexican pesos you can buy for $180 will depend on the current exchange rate. As of September 2021, the exchange rate is approximately 20 Mexican pesos per US dollar.

Using this exchange rate, you can estimate that you would be able to buy around 3,600 Mexican pesos for $180. However, it is recommended to check the current exchange rate before making any currency exchanges.

To determine the number of Mexican pesos you can buy for $180, you need to know the current exchange rate between US dollars and Mexican pesos. Exchange rates fluctuate constantly, so it's best to check with a reliable source such as a bank or currency exchange service for the most accurate rate. Once you have the exchange rate, you can multiply it by the amount in US dollars to calculate the equivalent amount in Mexican pesos.