Find the departure (Dep) at a distance of 545.3 Nm. Write your answer to the nearest hundredth.

Distance: 544, 546
Departure: 272.0, 273.0
Difference of latitude: 471.1, 472.8

To find the departure at a distance of 545.3 Nm, we need to calculate the proportionate departure based on the given distances and departures.

First, let's find the difference between the given distances and the required distance:

Difference with 544 Nm = 545.3 Nm - 544 Nm = 1.3 Nm
Difference with 546 Nm = 546 Nm - 545.3 Nm = 0.7 Nm

Next, let's find the difference of departures for the given distances:

Difference with 544 Nm = 273.0 - 272.0 = 1.0
Difference with 546 Nm = 273.0 - 272.0 = 1.0

Now, we can calculate the proportionate departure for the required distance:

Proportionate departure = Departure at 544 Nm + (Difference of departures / Difference of distances) * Difference with the required distance

Proportionate departure = 272.0 + (1.0 / 1.3) * 1.3 ≈ 272.0 + 1.0 ≈ 273.00

Therefore, the departure at a distance of 545.3 Nm is approximately 273.00.

To find the departure at a distance of 545.3 Nm, we can use interpolation.

First, we need to calculate the departure for the given distances.

For Distance: 544 Nm
Departure: 272.0

For Distance: 546 Nm
Departure: 273.0

Now we can use linear interpolation to find the departure at 545.3 Nm.

Departure at 545.3 Nm = Departure at 544 Nm + [(Departure at 546 Nm - Departure at 544 Nm) / (Distance at 546 Nm - Distance at 544 Nm)] * (Distance at 545.3 Nm - Distance at 544 Nm)

Departure at 545.3 Nm = 272.0 + [(273.0 - 272.0) / (546 - 544)] * (545.3 - 544)

Departure at 545.3 Nm = 272.0 + [1.0 / 2] * (1.3)

Departure at 545.3 Nm = 272.0 + 0.65

Departure at 545.3 Nm = 272.65

Therefore, the departure at a distance of 545.3 Nm is approximately 272.65 Nautical miles (to the nearest hundredth).