Find the difference of latitude (Dlat) at a distance of 545.3 Nm. Write your answer to the nearest hundredth.

To find the difference of latitude at a distance of 545.3 Nm, we can use the formula:

Dlat = distance / (60 * 1.852)

where distance is in nautical miles and Dlat is the difference in latitude in degrees.

Plugging in the given distance of 545.3 Nm:

Dlat = 545.3 / (60 * 1.852)
Dlat ≈ 4.66

Therefore, the difference of latitude at a distance of 545.3 Nm is approximately 4.66 degrees.

To find the difference of latitude (Dlat) at a distance of 545.3 Nautical Miles (Nm), we can use the formula:

Dlat = Distance / 60

Where Distance is the given distance in Nautical Miles, and we divide by 60 to convert it into degrees.

Plugging in the given Distance:
Dlat = 545.3 Nm / 60

Dlat ≈ 9.09 degrees

Therefore, the difference of latitude (Dlat) at a distance of 545.3 Nm is approximately 9.09 degrees.