Calculate the approximate distance between Thelma (latitude 6°N) and London(latitude 52°N)

Are they the same longitude?


Calculate the approximate distance in a straight line between Thelma (latitude 6N) and London (latitude 52N)

I want math question

To calculate the approximate distance between two locations given their latitude coordinates, you can use a method called the Haversine formula. Here are the steps to calculate the distance between Thelma (latitude 6°N) and London (latitude 52°N):

1. Convert the latitude values from degrees to radians. The Haversine formula requires the inputs to be in radians. To convert degrees to radians, multiply the degree value by π/180.

Latitude of Thelma in radians = (6° * π) / 180
Latitude of London in radians = (52° * π) / 180

2. Use the Haversine formula to calculate the distance. The formula is as follows:

distance = 2 * radius * arcsin (√(sin²((lat2 - lat1) / 2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * sin²((lon2 - lon1) / 2)))

In this formula, radius refers to the Earth's radius (approximately 6371 kilometers).

distance = 2 * 6371 * arcsin (√(sin²((52 - 6) / 2) + cos(6) * cos(52) * sin²(0 / 2)))

Simplifying further:

distance = 12742 * arcsin (√(sin²(23) + cos(6) * cos(52)))

3. Calculate the approximate distance using a scientific calculator or programming tool. By solving the above equation, the approximate distance between Thelma and London can be determined.

Please note that this is an approximation, as the Earth is not a perfect sphere. The actual distance may vary slightly due to variations in the Earth's shape.