Find the difference of latitude (Dlat) at a distance of 545.3 Nm. Write your answer to the nearest hundredth.

Distance: 544, 546
Departure: 272.0, 273.0
Difference of latitude: 471.1, 472.8

To find the difference of latitude (Dlat), we can subtract the two given difference of latitude values:

Dlat = 472.8 - 471.1 = 1.7

Therefore, the difference of latitude at a distance of 545.3 Nm is approximately 1.7.

To find the difference of latitude (Dlat) at a distance of 545.3 Nm, we can use linear interpolation.

First, we need to determine the proportion of the distance between the given points that corresponds to the target distance. We can do this by subtracting the lower distance (544) from the target distance (545.3) and dividing it by the difference between the two distances (546 - 544).

Proportion = (545.3 - 544) / (546 - 544) = 1.3 / 2 = 0.65

Next, we need to calculate the difference in latitude between the two points. We can find this by subtracting the lower difference of latitude (471.1) from the higher difference of latitude (472.8).

Difference in latitude = 472.8 - 471.1 = 1.7

Finally, we multiply the proportion by the difference in latitude and add it to the lower difference of latitude to get the interpolated value.

Interpolated difference of latitude = 471.1 + (0.65 * 1.7) = 471.1 + 1.105 ≈ 472.21

Therefore, the difference of latitude (Dlat) at a distance of 545.3 Nm is approximately 472.21.