If Jesse works 64.85 hours over two weeks what will their pay be before deductions of they 11.50 per hour ? Round to nearest cent

To calculate Jesse's pay before deductions, we need to multiply the number of hours worked by the hourly wage.

64.85 hours * $11.50/hour = $746.03

Therefore, Jesse's pay before deductions will be approximately $746.03.

To calculate Jesse's pay before deductions, we need to multiply the number of hours worked by the hourly rate.

Pay before deductions = (Hours worked) x (Hourly rate)

Hours worked = 64.85 hours
Hourly rate = $11.50

Substituting these values into the formula:

Pay before deductions = 64.85 hours x $11.50

Calculating this:

Pay before deductions = $745.53

Rounded to the nearest cent, Jesse's pay before deductions will be $745.53.