Claire works two jobs; she works 54 hours in one week with these two jobs and makes $10 an hour. She is trying to save up for a trip that cost her $5000. She has set aside $1500 already. Write an inequality to represent the minimum amount of weeks she needs to work to save at least 5000.

Let x be the minimum amount of weeks Claire needs to work to save at least $5000.

Since Claire works 54 hours per week and makes $10 per hour, she earns 54 * 10 = $<<54*10=540>>540 per week.
Therefore, the amount of money she saves in x weeks is 540x.

To meet her goal of saving at least $5000, the inequality is:
540x + 1500 ≥ 5000

Let's say the minimum amount of weeks Claire needs to work to save at least $5000 is represented by the variable "w".

In one week, Claire works a total of 54 hours. So, in "w" weeks, the total number of hours she works would be 54w.

As she earns $10 per hour, the total amount of money she earns in "w" weeks would be 10 * 54w = 540w.

Since she has already set aside $1500, the total amount she will have after "w" weeks of work would be 1500 + 540w.

To save at least $5000, we can set up the following inequality:

1500 + 540w ≥ 5000

This inequality represents the minimum amount of weeks Claire needs to work to save at least $5000.

To find the minimum amount of weeks Claire needs to work in order to save at least $5000, we can set up an inequality.

Let's first calculate how much money Claire can earn in a week. Since Claire works 54 hours in one week with two jobs and makes $10 an hour, her earnings per week can be found by multiplying her hourly wage by the number of hours worked:

Earnings per week = hourly wage × number of hours worked
= $10 × 54
= $540

We are given that Claire has already saved $1500. So, we need to find the number of weeks required for her to save at least $5000. Let's suppose the number of weeks required is denoted by "w".

To find the total amount Claire can save in w weeks, we multiply her weekly earnings by the number of weeks:

Total savings in w weeks = Earnings per week × number of weeks
= $540w

Now, we can write the inequality to represent the minimum amount of weeks Claire needs to work to save at least $5000:

Total savings in w weeks ≥ savings goal
$540w ≥ $5000

Therefore, the inequality that represents the minimum amount of weeks Claire needs to work is: $540w ≥ $5000.