The basketball team is doing a fundaiser and needs at least 200 donations from the community. The team already has 35 donations. Each day the team is receiving 5 additional donations.

The inequality 32+5x≥200 can be used to determin the number of days, d, needed to reach their donation goals.
Which of the following statements is true?
On day 33, the team will have reached there donation goal
The minimum number of days need to reach there goal is 33
The maximum number of days needed to reach there goal is 34
The minimum number of days needed to reach there goal is 34

The inequality states that 32 + 5x ≥ 200, where x represents the number of days and 32 represents the initial number of donations the team already has.

To find the number of days needed to reach their donation goal, we can subtract 32 from both sides of the inequality:

5x ≥ 200 - 32
5x ≥ 168

Next, we divide both sides of the inequality by 5:

x ≥ 168/5
x ≥ 33.6

Since the number of days must be a whole number, the minimum number of days needed to reach their goal is 34.

Therefore, the statement "The minimum number of days needed to reach their goal is 34" is true.

To solve the inequality 32 + 5x ≥ 200, where x represents the number of days, we need to isolate the variable x:

32 + 5x ≥ 200
Subtract 32 from both sides:
5x ≥ 168
Divide both sides by 5:
x ≥ 33.6

Since the number of days cannot be a fraction, we round up to the nearest whole number. Therefore, the minimum number of days needed to reach their goal is 34 (not 33).

So, the correct statement is: The minimum number of days needed to reach their goal is 34.