Why did European nations colonize Africa

Answer choices:

They wanted to adopt African cultures.

They wanted to convert to African religions.

They wanted the natural resources in Africa.

They were afraid African nations would invade Europe.

They wanted the natural resources in Africa.

Which of the following best explains how the Pan-African movement and nationalism contributed to the attainment of independence in Kenya and Nigeria?

answer choices:

The Pan-African movement primarily focused on economic reforms, leading to increased trade opportunities and reduced dependency on colonial powers, resulting in independence.

Nationalism in Kenya and Nigeria primarily centered on armed resistance against colonial forces, forcing the colonial powers to grant independence.

The Pan-African movement fostered a sense of solidarity and unity among African nations, leading to increased diplomatic pressure on colonial powers and support for the independence movements in Kenya and Nigeria.

Nationalist leaders in Kenya and Nigeria solely relied on peaceful protests and negotiations with colonial authorities to achieve independence.

The Pan-African movement fostered a sense of solidarity and unity among African nations, leading to increased diplomatic pressure on colonial powers and support for the independence movements in Kenya and Nigeria.

______________is a policy, unique to South Africa, that is founded on the idea of separating people based on racial and ethnic criteria.

answer choices:

Jim Crow





which region is the Sahara desert located in Africa?


Tropical Wet




Which system listed below is needed for farmers in areas that experience drought?

tunnel systems

irrigation systems

crop rotation systems

transportation systems

irrigation systems

In Sub-Saharan Africa, which of the following best describes the relationship between poor soil and deforestation?

Poor soil quality is a result of deforestation, as the removal of trees leads to increased erosion and nutrient loss, negatively impacting agricultural productivity.

Deforestation is primarily driven by the need for land to expand agriculture in response to poor soil quality, as it necessitates the constant clearing of new areas for farming.

Poor soil quality and deforestation are unrelated.

None of the above