5. What does this quote illustrate (tell us) about Hammurabi's Code?

"If a man has knocked out the eye of an aristocrat (wealthy person), his eye shall be knocked out...If he knocked out the eye of a commoner (poor person), he shall pay a silver coin...If he knocked out the eye of a servant, he shall pay half the servant's value to his owner."

(1 point)

It did not encourage order.
It did not encourage order.

It did not specify crimes.
It did not specify crimes.

It did not address important matters.
It did not address important matters.

People in different social classes were treated differently.

People in different social classes were treated differently. This quote illustrates that Hammurabi's Code differentiated between individuals based on their social class, specifically in terms of the punishment for injuring someone. The punishments varied depending on whether the victim was an aristocrat, commoner, or servant, highlighting the unequal treatment based on social status in the code.

The quote illustrates that Hammurabi's Code differentiated punishment based on the social class of the victim. The code prescribed different penalties for causing harm to individuals of different social statuses. For example, if a person knocked out the eye of an aristocrat, their own eye would be knocked out in retaliation. However, if the same action was done to a commoner, the perpetrator would be required to pay a silver coin instead. Similarly, if a servant had their eye knocked out, their owner would be compensated with half of the servant's value. Thus, the quote suggests that people in different social classes were treated differently under Hammurabi's Code.