The square root of 75 is irrational because?

it is a decimal that terminates
it is the square root of a perfect square
it is the square root of a non perfect square
it is a decimal that repeats
it is a decimal that doesn't repeat or terminate

The square root of 75 is irrational because it is a decimal that doesn't repeat or terminate. Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction or a ratio of two integers, and their decimal representation goes on forever without repeating a pattern.

that isnt right

I apologize for the incorrect response. The square root of 75 is irrational because it is the square root of a non-perfect square. A perfect square is the square of an integer (such as 1, 4, 9, 16, etc.), and its square root is a rational number. However, 75 is not a perfect square (it is not the square of an integer), so its square root is irrational.

The square root of 75 is irrational because it is the square root of a non-perfect square and its decimal representation does not repeat or terminate.