Criteria: In your presentation (made with PowerPoint or google slides) you must

include the following information (1 slide for each bullet point)
● The significance (importance) of the piece of art/exhibition. If you cannot find
the significance, give an explanation (overview) of the exhibit.
● How the museum actually got the piece of art/exhibition (where did the art
come from?)
● Who helped acquire the pieces or who helped create the exhibit/display?
● How the piece of art/exhibition represents what the museum is all about
● The cost of the piece/exhibition
● Factors that needed to be considered when designing the display, your thoughts
on the display (what you liked and disliked about it)
● At least one image of the piece of art or the exhibition with credit line info
(artist, title, year made, size and medium)
● References page. List all websites and resources used for your information

Title: The Significance of Picasso's Guernica Exhibition at the Museum

Slide 1: Introduction
- Title: The Significance of Picasso's Guernica Exhibition at the Museum
- Introduction to the importance of the artwork/exhibition

Slide 2: Significance of the Piece of Art
- Explanation of the significance/importance of Picasso's Guernica
- Symbolism and historical context represented by the artwork

Slide 3: Acquisition of the Piece of Art/Exhibition
- Information on where the art came from
- Details about the acquisition process or loan agreement

Slide 4: Contributors to the Acquisition and Display
- Names of individuals, organizations, or institutions that helped acquire the artwork/exhibition
- Collaborators involved in the creation of the exhibit/display

Slide 5: Representation of the Museum's Values
- Explanation of how Picasso's Guernica aligns with the museum's mission and vision
- Connection between the artwork and the museum's overall theme or purpose

Slide 6: Cost of the Piece/Exhibition
- Details about the monetary value or expenses associated with obtaining and displaying the artwork/exhibition
- Any relevant funding sources or sponsorship information

Slide 7: Designing the Display
- Factors considered during the design process of the exhibit/display
- Personal evaluation of the display, including likes and dislikes

Slide 8: Image of the Artwork/Exhibition
- Insert an image of Picasso's Guernica
- Credit line information (artist, title, year made, size, and medium)

Slide 9: References
- Cite all websites and resources used for gathering information during research
- Include proper citation format for each reference

Note: The above outline is a suggestion for organizing information in a presentation. The content can be adjusted as per the specific artwork or exhibition being discussed.

To create a presentation addressing each of the required points, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a slide for the significance/importance of the art piece or exhibition.
- Provide a brief overview of the significance of the art piece or exhibition.
- Explain why it is important in the context of art history or the museum's collection.

Step 2: Create a slide for how the museum acquired the piece of art or exhibition.
- Mention where the art came from, such as a donation, purchase, or loan.
- Provide any additional details about the acquisition process, if available.

Step 3: Create a slide for the individuals or organizations involved in acquiring the pieces or creating the exhibit.
- List the names or roles of individuals who contributed to acquiring the art.
- Briefly mention any organizations or groups involved in creating the exhibition.

Step 4: Create a slide for how the piece of art or exhibition represents the museum.
- Explain how the artwork or exhibition aligns with the museum's mission, theme, or values.
- Highlight any connections between the piece and the museum's collection or goals.

Step 5: Create a slide for the cost of the piece or exhibition.
- State the cost or value of the art piece or exhibition, if available.
- Provide any relevant information about funding sources or sponsorship.

Step 6: Create a slide for factors considered when designing the display and your thoughts on it.
- Discuss the factors that influenced the design, such as space, lighting, or accessibility.
- Express your opinions about the display, mentioning aspects you liked and disliked.

Step 7: Insert an image of the art piece or exhibition with credit line information.
- Include an image of the art piece or an overview of the exhibition.
- Provide credit line information, including artist, title, year made, size, and medium.

Step 8: Create a reference page listing all websites and resources used for information.
- Compile a list of websites, books, articles, or any other sources you used.
- Follow the required citation format (APA, MLA, etc.) for listing the references.

Step 9: Review and finalize your presentation.
- Go through each slide to ensure all required information is included.
- Check for any errors, spelling mistakes, or formatting issues.
- Reorder or adjust slides if necessary to enhance the flow of the presentation.

Remember to customize the design and layout of your slides based on your preferences or any specific guidelines provided by your instructor.