How is the decimal 2.4 written as a mixed number in simplest form?

(1 point)

two and two-fifths
Image with alt text: two and two-fifths

two and four-fifths
Image with alt text: two and four-fifths

two and one-fourth
Image with alt text: two and one-fourth

2 and one-half

The fraction 5/8 can be written as the decimal 0.625.

The decimal 2.4 is written as the mixed number 2 and two-fifths in simplest form.

that is incorrect is there another answer?

Apologies for the incorrect response. The correct answer is: The decimal 2.4 can be written as the mixed number 2 and two-fifths in simplest form.

Neil takes his family to an amusement park for 5/8 of the cost since they visit in the winter instead of the summer. What is 5/8 written as a decimal?

(1 point)





that is incorrect is there another answer?

Apologies for the incorrect response. The correct answer is: The fraction 5/8 can be written as the decimal 0.625.

Why was concrete better than stone for building in the Roman empire?

(1 point)

It was more flexible than stone when dry.
It was more flexible than stone when dry.

It was heavier than stone when dry.
It was heavier than stone when dry.

It was lighter and easier to use than stone.
It was lighter and easier to use than stone.

It was stronger and more durable than stone.

The correct answer is: Concrete was stronger and more durable than stone, which made it a preferred building material in the Roman empire.

incorrect is there another answer?