What are these is an a example of direct characterization actions are thoughts that reveal what a character is like dialogue between a character and other characters in the story and authors description of a character appears in

These are examples of direct characterization.

The given options can be categorized as different types of indirect characterization, not direct characterization.

Direct characterization refers to the specific statements or descriptions provided by the author about a character's traits or qualities. It involves the author directly telling the reader about a character's personality, appearance, or background.

The options you mentioned can be categorized as follows:

1. Actions: The actions of a character can reveal their personality, values, or motives indirectly. Observing what a character does in various situations can provide insight into their traits.

2. Thoughts: A character's thoughts, inner monologues, or reflections can give clues about their beliefs, desires, or fears. Understanding the internal thoughts of a character can help develop a deeper understanding of their personality.

3. Dialogue: Conversations between characters can reveal their personalities, relationships, or conflicts. Through dialogue, characters interact and express their thoughts, opinions, or emotions, offering insights into their traits.

4. Author's description: The author's depiction or description of a character, whether physical or psychological, provides direct information about their appearance, personality, or backstory.

To summarize, the options you mentioned are examples of indirect characterization, whereas direct characterization involves explicit statements or descriptions provided by the author.