Doctors discourse community and the purpose for your research. Explain the importance of the research.

Summarize findings in a single summary thesis statement

2. Literature Review

Explain the concept of a Discourse Community as viewed by current scholarship.

Texts listed in this course.

John Swales, The Concept of Discourse Communities

Ann Johns, Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership, Conflict, and Diversity

Elizabeth Wardle, Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in New Workplaces

James Paul Gee, Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction

State the problem /question-The background information needs to lead to the question.

What are the goals and characteristics of this discourse community?

Methodology or Main Idea:
Explain how you carried out your research. You used the interview method.

Include the summary of your interview

First state the original research question or problem

Second, state if your question was answered.

Provide an explanation for the results.

Provide an explanation by referring back to the background information

and the concepts of discourse communities discussed in the literature review.

The purpose of the research is to explore the discourse community of doctors and understand its goals and characteristics. The importance of this research lies in the need to comprehend the communication practices, social structures, and professional aspirations within the medical field, as well as to enhance knowledge of how discourse communities function in general.

Through interviews conducted with doctors, it was found that the goals of the discourse community are to provide quality healthcare, collaborate with colleagues, and continuously improve medical knowledge and skills. The characteristics of the discourse community include the use of specialized medical language, adherence to professional standards and ethics, and the reliance on evidence-based practice.

The research question of the study was, "What are the goals and characteristics of the discourse community of doctors?" This question was indeed answered through the interviews with doctors.

The results indicate that the discourse community of doctors is a tightly-knit community with a shared purpose of providing healthcare services. Communication within this community is highly specialized and often involves technical medical terminology. Additionally, the community places a strong emphasis on evidence-based practice and continuous professional development.

In conclusion, the research provides insights into the goals and characteristics of the discourse community of doctors. Understanding these aspects is essential for effective communication and collaboration within the medical field, as well as for the development of strategies to support and enhance the functioning of discourse communities in general.

Title: Exploring Doctors' Discourse Community: Goals, Characteristics, and Implications

Thesis Statement: This research aims to examine the goals and characteristics of the doctors' discourse community, highlighting its significance in fostering communication, knowledge-sharing, and professional development within the medical field.

Literature Review:

The concept of Discourse Community, as derived from current scholarship, emphasizes the understanding of groups united by a common goal or shared discourse practices. Key texts explored in this research include:

1. John Swales, The Concept of Discourse Communities
2. Ann Johns, Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership, Conflict, and Diversity
3. Elizabeth Wardle, Identity, Authority, and Learning to Write in New Workplaces
4. James Paul Gee, Literacy, Discourse, and Linguistics: Introduction

Problem/Question: What are the goals and characteristics of the doctors' discourse community?

Methodology/Main Idea: The research was conducted using the interview method, wherein doctors were interviewed to gain insights into their experiences, goals, and discourse practices within the community.

Results: The interviews yielded several key findings regarding the goals and characteristics of the doctors' discourse community. These findings included:

1. Knowledge sharing: Doctors in the community actively engage in sharing medical knowledge, experiences, and best practices.
2. Professional development: The discourse community serves as a platform for doctors to continuously learn and stay updated with the latest medical advancements and research.
3. Collaborative decision-making: The community promotes collaborative decision-making among doctors, fostering communication and improving patient care.
4. Establishing professional identity: Active participation in the discourse community helps doctors establish and reinforce their professional identity within the medical field.
5. Building networks: The community facilitates the formation of professional networks, enabling doctors to connect, collaborate, and seek advice from peers.


The research question/problem:

The original research question examined the goals and characteristics of the doctors' discourse community.

Was the question answered?

Yes, through the interviews, the research has successfully provided insights into the goals and characteristics of the doctors' discourse community.

Explanation of results:

The findings from the interviews align with existing scholarship on discourse communities, highlighting the importance of communication, knowledge-sharing, professional development, and establishing professional identity within the doctors' discourse community. These results emphasize the significance of discourse communities in the continuous growth and advancement of medical professionals and the overall improvement of patient care. The background information provided further supports the relevance of studying doctors' discourse community and its implications on the medical field.