Using long division convert 6 7/20 to a decimal

To convert 6 7/20 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

1. Write the mixed number as a fraction: 6 7/20 = (6 * 20 + 7) / 20 = 127/20

2. Perform long division by dividing the numerator (127) by the denominator (20):
127 รท 20 = 6 remainder 7

3. Write the result as a decimal by dividing the remainder (7) by the denominator (20):
7/20 = 0.35

4. Add the whole number part (6) to the decimal part (0.35):
Decimal form of 6 7/20 = 6 + 0.35 = 6.35

Therefore, 6 7/20 is equal to 6.35.

To convert 6 7/20 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number as a fraction:
6 7/20 can be rewritten as (6 * 20 + 7) / 20 = 127/20.

Step 2: Perform long division:
Divide the numerator (127) by the denominator (20) as you would with regular long division:

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127

Step 3: Perform the division:
Start by dividing the leftmost digit of the numerator (1) by the denominator (20). The result is 0, which will be part of the decimal quotient. Write it down on top of the division bar, above the line, as the first decimal digit.

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127
- 0

Now, multiply the result (0) by the denominator (20), and subtract it from the numerator (127):
0 * 20 = 0.
127 - 0 = 127.

Step 4: Bring down the next digit:
Bring down the next digit from the numerator (7) and place it after the remainder (127) to form 1277.

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127
- 0

Step 5: Divide and repeat:
Divide the leftmost digit of the new numerator (1277) by the denominator (20):
1277 / 20 = 63.85

Write down the result (63) as the next digit in the decimal quotient, and multiply it by the denominator (20) to subtract from the new numerator (1277):

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127
- 0

Step 6: Continue the process:
Bring down the next digit (7) after the difference (77) and divide:

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127
- 0

Divide 770 by 20:
770 / 20 = 38.5

Write down the result (38) as the next digit in the decimal quotient and multiply it by the denominator (20) to subtract from the new numerator (770):

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127
- 0
- 760

Step 7: Final step:
Bring down the final digit (0) after the difference (10) and divide:

6.35 <-- quotient (decimal)
20 | 127
- 0
- 760
- 100

Since the numerator is now 0, the division is complete.

Therefore, the decimal representation of 6 7/20 is 6.35.