In which sentence does the subject agree with the verb?(1 point)


The flock of sheep scurry down the path, nudged on by the border collies running beside them.
The flock of sheep scurry down the path, nudged on by the border collies running beside them.

A herd of elephants move slowly across the savanna, the youngest weaving between legs of their mothers.
A herd of elephants move slowly across the savanna, the youngest weaving between legs of their mothers.

A band of coyotes roam the forest next to the lake, occasionally coming to the shore for a drink.
A band of coyotes roam the forest next to the lake, occasionally coming to the shore for a drink.

The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds.
The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds.

In which sentence does the subject agree with the verb?(1 point)


The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds.
The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds.

The flock of sheep scurry down the path, nudged on by the border collies running beside them.
The flock of sheep scurry down the path, nudged on by the border collies running beside them.

A band of coyotes roam the forest next to the lake, occasionally coming to the shore for a drink.
A band of coyotes roam the forest next to the lake, occasionally coming to the shore for a drink.

A herd of elephants move slowly across the savanna, the youngest weaving between legs of their mothers.
A herd of elephants move slowly across the savanna, the youngest weaving between legs of their mothers.

The subject agrees with the verb in the sentence: "The team of horses runs across the prairie, startling the sunbathing birds."

Which word choices will complete the sentence correctly? Choose the correct word from each list.(1 point)

In the fields
. At the barn, the farmer in the stalls
putting down hay.

In the fields, several **options missing**. At the barn, the farmer in the stalls is putting down hay.

Which sentences display correct subject-verb agreement? Select the two correct answers.(2 points)


The band win the competition.
The band win the competition.

The quartets wears new costumes.
The quartets wears new costumes.

The team marches in the parade today.
The team marches in the parade today.

The troop choose their lunches.
The troop choose their lunches.

The squad performs a routine.

The two correct sentences that display correct subject-verb agreement are:

- The team marches in the parade today.
- The squad performs a routine.

Which word can be added to known to form a compound adjective?(1 point)






The word that can be added to "known" to form a compound adjective is "well."

Where should an adverb modifying an adjective be placed in a sentence?(1 point)


anywhere after the adjective
anywhere after the adjective

immediately after the adjective
immediately after the adjective

anywhere before the adjective
anywhere before the adjective

immediately before the adjective

An adverb modifying an adjective should be placed immediately before the adjective.