identify the sentence in each group in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject

The group of students have been studying for hours.

The sentence in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject is "The group of students have been studying for hours."

Sure, I can help you with that. Please provide me with the groups of sentences, and I will identify the sentence in each group where the underlined verb does not agree with its subject.

To identify the sentence in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject, you need to carefully examine each sentence and determine if the subject and verb match in terms of number (singular or plural). Here's how you can analyze each sentence:

1. The cat sit on the mat.
In this sentence, the subject is "cat," and the verb is "sit." The verb "sit" does not agree with the subject because it should be "sits" to match the singular subject "cat." Therefore, this sentence does not have an agreement between the subject and verb.

2. My friends always help me.
Here, the subject is "friends," and the verb is "help." The verb "help" matches the plural subject "friends." Therefore, this sentence has an agreement between the subject and verb.

3. The dog barks loudly.
In this sentence, the subject is "dog," and the verb is "barks." The verb "barks" matches the singular subject "dog." Therefore, this sentence has an agreement between the subject and verb.

Based on the analysis, the sentence in which the underlined verb does not agree with its subject is:

The cat sit on the mat.