What it dharma

Dharma is a concept that originated in ancient Indian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It refers to one's duty, righteousness, and moral and ethical responsibilities in accordance with cosmic laws and order. Dharma encompasses various aspects of life, including social, familial, professional, and spiritual responsibilities. It is believed that following one's dharma leads to personal growth, harmony, and contributes to the overall well-being of society.

Dharma is a Sanskrit term that has various meanings depending on the context. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, dharma refers to moral and ethical principles that govern a person's behavior and actions. It is often associated with duty, righteousness, and the proper way of living. Dharma is also believed to be a cosmic or universal law that upholds the order and harmony of the universe. In Hindu philosophy, dharma is one of the four main goals of human life, along with artha (material wealth), kama (pleasure), and moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).