According to Hinduism, what determines how a person is reborn?





shut up

B. karma

According to Hinduism, the determining factor for how a person is reborn is their karma, which is the answer option B.

To understand the concept of karma, let me explain how to get this answer. Hinduism teaches that every action a person takes, whether good or bad, creates an energy or force known as karma. This energy accumulates over time and influences a person's future experiences and circumstances, including their next life. So, a person's deeds, thoughts, and intentions in their current life will determine the quality and nature of their next life.

The principle of karma suggests that positive actions and virtuous behavior contribute to good karma, leading to a more favorable future birth, whereas negative actions or wrongdoings produce negative karma, leading to a less desirable rebirth. Ultimately, the goal is to accumulate good karma, purify the soul, and break the cycle of rebirth through spiritual liberation or moksha, which is the answer option C.

Moksha, often seen as the ultimate aim in Hinduism, represents liberation from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. It is a state of transcendence where the individual soul unites with ultimate reality or Brahman. Nirvana, on the other hand, is a term associated with Buddhism, not Hinduism. In Buddhism, it refers to the attainment of enlightenment and the cessation of suffering.

To summarize, in Hinduism, a person's karma determines how they are reborn. The goal is to accumulate good karma, eventually attain moksha, and be liberated from the cycle of rebirth.

Itachi brother! >:(

I will beat you! >:)