How might the use of fire have affected human migration?

(1 point)

People could live in places that otherwise would have been too cold.

People could live in places that otherwise would have been too cold.

People could cook food and scare off dangerous animals.

People could cook food and scare off dangerous animals.

People could settle in one place where it was easy to keep a fire burning.

People could settle in one place where it was easy to keep a fire burning.

People could be less dependent on daylight and travel at night.

People could be less dependent on daylight and travel at night.

The use of fire could have affected human migration in several ways:

1. People could live in places that otherwise would have been too cold: The ability to create and control fire would have allowed early humans to survive in colder environments. Fire provided warmth and allowed them to stay in regions that would have otherwise been uninhabitable due to the cold.

2. People could cook food and scare off dangerous animals: Fire provided a means to cook food, which made it easier to digest and increased the availability of food sources. Additionally, fire could be used as a tool to scare off dangerous animals, making certain areas safer for human habitation.

3. People could settle in one place where it was easy to keep a fire burning: The ability to control and maintain fire allowed humans to settle in one place for longer periods of time. Instead of constantly having to search for fire sources, settling in one place made it easier to keep the fire burning, ensuring its availability for various needs.

4. People could be less dependent on daylight and travel at night: Fire provided a reliable source of light that allowed humans to extend their activities into the night. This reduced their dependence on daylight hours and enabled them to travel, hunt, and gather resources for longer periods, potentially influencing migration patterns.