Which are some characteristics of the Middle Colonies? Select all that apply.

(2 points)
Some colonists were skilled artisans.

They were all established as Royal colonies.

Most colonists settled for religious reasons.

Agriculture was an important industry.

Colonies were ethnically diverse.

Some colonists were skilled artisans.

Agriculture was an important industry.
Colonies were ethnically diverse.

there is only two answers

I apologize for the confusion. The correct answers are:

Some colonists were skilled artisans.
Agriculture was an important industry.

Which was one similarity between the Middle Colonies and the New England Colonies?

(1 point)

Both used a large number of slaves for their industries.

Both had some groups that sought religious freedom.

Both relied heavily on fishing industries.

Both were ethnically diverse.

Both had some groups that sought religious freedom.

How was life similar for colonists across the middle colonies?

Households were largely self-sufficient

housing structures across the colonies were similar

they all practiced the same religion

they all settles solely for economic reasons

Households were largely self-sufficient

Which term describes a brief reference in a text to a fictional or historical story, person, or event that readers will be familiar with?(1 point)





The term that describes a brief reference in a text to a fictional or historical story, person, or event that readers will be familiar with is "allusion."

Use the paragraph to answer the question.

Harper had always been a curious child, wanting to know how things operated and what made them run. While watching her father install new light fixtures, she marveled at the intricacies of how electricity worked. She asked her father multiple questions to satisfy her curiosity. Harper's mother had warned her husband against answering every question as it would slow the installation process. "You're opening Pandora's box," she said.

Which of the following is the allusion?

(1 point)


Pandora's box
Pandora's box

light fixtures
light fixtures
