You think your friend is depressed and may be considering suicide. Which of the following actions should you avoid?

(1 point)

Tell him how concerned you are about him; you’ll probably embarrass him.
Tell him how concerned you are about him; you’ll probably embarrass him.

Leave him alone to work it out.
Leave him alone to work it out.

Tell an adult you trust about the situation.
Tell an adult you trust about the situation.

Tell him how disappointed you are that he would even consider suicide.

Tell him how disappointed you are that he would even consider suicide.

The diagonal of a square equals 2–√

times the side length. Using 1.4 for the square root of 2, what is the approximate length in feet from one corner to an opposite corner of a square park that is 40 feet on a side?(1 point)

To find the length of the diagonal of a square, we can use the formula:

Diagonal = √2 * side length

Given that the side length of the square park is 40 feet, we can calculate the diagonal as follows:

Diagonal = √2 * 40
Diagonal = 40 * √2

Now, let's approximate the value of √2 using 1.4:

Diagonal ≈ 40 * 1.4

Calculating this, we get:

Diagonal ≈ 56 feet

Therefore, the approximate length from one corner to an opposite corner of the square park is 56 feet.

Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is 20−−√

between?(1 point)
20−−√ is between


To determine the whole number and rational number that 20−−√ is between, we can approximate the value of 20−−√.

20−−√ is between 4 and 5 because 4^2 equals 16 and 5^2 equals 25.

To find the rational number to the nearest half, we take the average of the two whole numbers:

4 + 5 = 9
9 ÷ 2 = 4.5

Therefore, 20−−√ is between 4 and 5, with the rational number to the nearest half being 4.5.

Using a number line, what whole number to the nearest half is 20−−√


To determine the whole number to the nearest half that 20−−√ is between, we can approximate the value of 20−−√.

Since 20 is not a perfect square, we can estimate the value of 20−−√. From the number line, we know that the square root of 16 is 4 and the square root of 25 is 5.

So, 20−−√ is between 4 and 5 on the number line.

To find the whole number to the nearest half, we can round the value of 20−−√ to the nearest half.

Since 20−−√ is closer to 5 than to 4, the whole number to the nearest half that 20−−√ is between is 5.