1. Which of the following is NOT a warning sign of depression that may lead to suicide?(1 point)

A - being sad about your friend moving away 3 months ago

2. Which of the following should you do when talking to a friend considering suicide A - listen carefully to your friend (1 Point)

3. Which of the following is NOT a warning sign of suicide? (1 point)
C - taking pride in appearance

Unit 3 lesson 2 Suicide Prevention Quiz please check your work with meee



update - 3/3 100%

100% thank u sm

Ok is right just got a 100%

1. To determine whether being sad about a friend moving away 3 months ago is a warning sign of depression that may lead to suicide, you should consider the common warning signs of depression. These signs typically include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, loss of interest in activities, social withdrawal, thoughts of death or suicide, and changes in behavior or mood. It is important to note that feeling sad about a friend moving away can be a normal reaction to loss or change, and may not necessarily indicate depression that could lead to suicide. However, if this sadness persists for an extended period and is accompanied by other warning signs of depression, it is important to seek professional help and support.

2. When talking to a friend who is considering suicide, it is crucial to listen carefully. Listening actively and attentively allows you to understand and empathize with your friend's feelings, thoughts, and experiences. It also allows your friend to feel heard, valued, and supported. By listening carefully, you can help create a safe space for your friend to express themselves, open up about their struggles, and potentially seek help. It is important to prioritize active listening over providing immediate solutions or advice, as this can help facilitate open dialogue and foster a sense of trust between you and your friend.

3. To determine whether taking pride in appearance is a warning sign of suicide, you should refer to common warning signs of suicidal behavior. These signs often include expressions of hopelessness, talking about wanting to die or kill oneself, researching suicide methods, making final arrangements or saying goodbye to loved ones, withdrawing from friends and family, noticeable changes in behavior or mood, increased substance abuse, and displaying overwhelming despair or rage. Taking pride in appearance, such as spending time and effort on personal grooming or maintaining a neat appearance, is generally not considered a warning sign of suicide. While individuals contemplating suicide may experience changes in their personal care routines or neglect their appearance, taking pride in appearance alone does not indicate an immediate risk of suicide. However, it is essential to be attentive to other warning signs and provide support to someone who may be struggling. If you are concerned about someone's well-being, it is important to encourage them to seek professional help.