Engineering books.

1. "Mechanical Engineering Principles" by John Bird

2. "Introduction to Engineering: Modeling and Problem Solving" by Jay Brockman
3. "Electrical Engineering: Concepts and Applications" by S.A. Reza Zekavat
4. "Chemical Engineering Design" by Gavin Towler and Ray Sinnott
5. "Civil Engineering: A Very Short Introduction" by David Muir Wood
6. "Biomedical Engineering: Bridging Medicine and Technology" by W. Mark Saltzman
7. "Industrial Engineering and Management" by Ravi Shankar Mishra
8. "Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design" by James R. Mihelcic and Julie B. Zimmerman
9. "Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective" by Randal E. Bryant and David R. O'Hallaron
10. "Aeronautical Engineering: From Zero to Physics" by Revathi Sampath

Sure! Here are some popular engineering books:

1. "Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics" by J.L. Meriam and L.G. Kraige - This book covers the principles of engineering mechanics, specifically focusing on dynamics (including motion, force, and kinetics).

2. "Introduction to Electrodynamics" by David J. Griffiths - This book provides a comprehensive introduction to electromagnetism, covering topics such as electric fields, magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, and more.

3. "Mechanics of Materials" by James M. Gere and Barry J. Goodno - This book introduces the fundamentals of mechanics of materials, including stress, strain, elasticity, and deformation of materials.

4. "Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications" by Yunus A. Çengel and John M. Cimbala - This book covers the principles of fluid mechanics, including fluid properties, fluid statics, fluid dynamics, and flow measurement.

5. "Principles of Heat Transfer" by Frank Kreith, Raj Manglik, and Mark Bohn - This book provides an introduction to heat transfer, including conduction, convection, and radiation, as well as heat exchangers and thermal systems.

6. "Control Systems Engineering" by Norman S. Nise - This book focuses on the design and analysis of control systems, covering topics such as feedback control, stability, and controller design.

7. "Introduction to Computer Programming for Scientists and Engineers" by Edward A. Parrish - This book introduces programming concepts using the Python language specifically tailored for scientists and engineers.

Remember to check for the latest editions as these books may have newer versions available.