A submarine's position is 600 feet below sea level. It descends 218 feet. What is the submarine's new elevation?

The submarine's new elevation would be 600 - 218 = <<600-218=382>>382 feet below sea level.

A submarine's position is 600 feet below sea level. It descends 218 feet. What is the submarine's new elevation?


A -818 ft-818 ft

B -600 ft -600 ft

C -382 ft -382 ft

D 382 ft

The submarine's new elevation would be 600 - 218 = 382 feet below sea level.

Therefore, the correct answer is C: -382 ft.

To find the submarine's new elevation, you can subtract the descent of 218 feet from its initial position of 600 feet below sea level.

600 feet below sea level - 218 feet = 382 feet below sea level.

Therefore, the submarine's new elevation is 382 feet below sea level.