Butcher the following best describes the commercial revolution

A. The exchange of goods disease and ideas that resulted from contacts between the new world and old world
B. The establishment of New Economic political and social systems as well as Banking and Futures Market
C. The index of silver that resulted in economic turmoil for European Nations
D. The discovery of the new world that prompted European nations to establish territories

A. The exchange of goods, disease, and ideas that resulted from contacts between the New World and Old World

The correct answer is B. The establishment of New Economic political and social systems as well as Banking and Futures Market. The commercial revolution refers to the period of European economic expansion, which took place from the late 15th century to the end of the 18th century. It involved the establishment of new economic, political, and social systems, as well as the development of banking and futures markets. This period saw an increase in international trade, the growth of capitalism, and the emergence of a global economy.