Max puts cereal in a bowl and pours milk over it. Which term best describes Max’s bowl of cereal?

homogeneous mixture

heterogeneous mixture

pure substance


heterogeneous mixture


I apologize if my response was not what you were expecting. To clarify, Max's bowl of cereal would be considered a heterogeneous mixture. This is because the different components of the cereal (such as the cereal grains, dried fruit, and nuts) are not evenly distributed throughout the bowl. Instead, they are visually distinguishable and can be observed as separate entities within the mixture.

Which list only includes terms that describe oxygen gas, O2?

atom, element, molecule

compound, molecule, pure substance

atom, compound, molecule

element, molecule, pure substance

The correct answer is: atom, element, molecule

Which list only includes terms that describe oxygen, gas, and O2?

A. Compound, molecule, pure substance
B. Element, molecule, pure substance
C. Atom, compound, molecule
D. Atom, element, molecule

The correct answer is D. Atom, element, molecule.

polymers are long chains of

Polymers are long chains of monomers.

polymers are long chains of.

A.) elections

B.) molecules

C.) atoms

D.) crystals