Max recently got a Chromebook for design class. Which program can Max run, given its capacity??

B. Photoshop
C. Illustrator


A Chromebook has limited capabilities compared to a traditional computer. It runs on Chrome OS, which does not support software like Photoshop or Illustrator that are typically used for design work. However, Max can still use GIMP, which is a powerful open-source image editing program. Therefore, the answer is A. GIMP.

To determine which program Max can run on his Chromebook, we need to consider its capacity.

Chromebooks typically run on Chrome OS, which is a lightweight operating system designed for web-based applications. This means that Max may face limitations when it comes to running certain programs that require substantial processing power or are not optimized for Chrome OS.

Let's go through the options:

A. GIMP: GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) is a free and open-source image editing software. It is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. However, GIMP is not officially available for Chrome OS. Even though there might be workarounds, the performance may be suboptimal.

B. Photoshop: Adobe Photoshop is a well-known professional-grade image editing software. Unfortunately, the full version of Photoshop is not available for Chrome OS. Adobe does offer a web-based version called Photoshop Express, but it lacks many advanced features found in the desktop version.

C. Illustrator: Adobe Illustrator is widely used for vector graphics and illustration work. Similar to Photoshop, the full version of Illustrator is not available for Chrome OS. There is an online version called Adobe Illustrator Draw, which provides limited functionality compared to the desktop version.

D. XD: Adobe XD (Experience Design) is a tool for designing and prototyping user experiences. Adobe offers a web-based version of XD that is accessible on Chrome OS. This version provides most of the essential features for design work, making it a viable option for Max.

Based on the capabilities of Max's Chromebook, the program that Max can run is D. XD (Adobe XD).

Please note that while the above information is accurate at the time of writing, software availability and compatibility can change. It's always a good idea to check with the official sources or system requirements for the software you are interested in using.