Complete a bar graph of your classroom averages. Use the checklist below to make sure you’re following the graphing rules.

Overall Graph Title
X-Axis Title
Y-Axis Title with units
Label each bar
Write the bar values

This is penny graphing practice group

Overall Graph Title: Classroom Averages by Subject

X-Axis Title: Subjects
Y-Axis Title: Average Grades (%)

Bar Labels: Math, Science, English, History
Bar Values:
1. Math - 85%
2. Science - 92%
3. English - 88%
4. History - 79%

To complete a bar graph of your classroom averages, follow these steps:

1. Determine the overall graph title: For this example, let's say the overall graph title is "Classroom Averages for Penny Graphing Practice Group."

2. Determine the X-Axis title: The X-Axis could represent different subjects or categories. Let's say the X-Axis title is "Subjects."

3. Determine the Y-Axis title: The Y-Axis represents the averages, so let's say the Y-Axis title is "Average Grades (%)".

4. Label each bar: Identify the subjects for which you are showing the averages. For example, if you have 5 subjects: Math, Science, English, History, and Art, label each bar accordingly.

5. Write the bar values: Assign a numerical value to each bar that represents the average grade for the respective subject. Let's say the average grades are as follows:
- Math: 85%
- Science: 90%
- English: 75%
- History: 80%
- Art: 95%

Now, you can create the bar graph using the provided information.