Which element should be included in a summary of a text

A summary of a text should typically include the main points or ideas of the text. It should provide a concise overview of the major elements or arguments presented in the text, without going into excessive detail.

When creating a summary of a text, several elements should be included:

1. Main Idea: Identify and clearly state the main point or central theme of the text. This encapsulates the overall message the author is trying to convey.

2. Supporting Details: Highlight the key supporting points, examples, or evidence that the author uses to bolster the main idea. These should be concise and relevant to the main point.

3. Structure: Summarize how the text is organized. This includes the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion, as well as any notable transitions or shifts in the text.

4. Tone and Style: Capture the author's tone, whether it is formal, informal, persuasive, informative, etc. Also, consider the style of writing and any notable literary devices employed, such as metaphors or analogies.

5. Length: Keep the summary brief and concise, focusing on the essential information. The length will depend on the original text but should generally be significantly shorter than the original.

Remember, a summary should provide an accurate and concise overview of the text without adding personal opinion or interpretation.