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• Answer in 3-5 sentences. (5 pts)

In "The Third Bank of the River," describe the role that the father plays in the life of the narrator.

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In "The Third Bank of the River," the father plays a central and influential role in the life of the narrator. He is described as a loving, devoted, and adored figure who becomes a source of mystery and confusion when he decides to live permanently on a small boat in the river. The father's decision to isolate himself from his family has a profound impact on the narrator, leading to feelings of abandonment, guilt, and a quest for understanding. The father's absence and unconventional choices shape the narrator's narrative and journey of introspection.

In "The Third Bank of the River," the father plays a central role in the life of the narrator. He is portrayed as a strong and mysterious character who decides to live in a canoe in the middle of the river. This decision has a profound impact on the narrator and the entire family, as they try to make sense of his actions and their implications. The father's choices symbolize his desire for freedom and detachment from the conventional world, significantly influencing the narrator's understanding of life and their own choices.