who was involved in the charter of 1732

The Charter of 1732 refers to the Royal Charter granted by King George II to establish the colony of Georgia. The main individuals involved in this charter were:

1. James Oglethorpe: As the driving force behind the establishment of Georgia, Oglethorpe was the chief proponent and leader of the colony. He played a crucial role in drafting the charter and securing the king's approval.
2. The Trustees for the Establishment of Georgia: A group of 21 individuals appointed by King George II to act as trustees responsible for governing the colony. The trustees included prominent figures such as John Percival, Viscount Perceval, Percival Willoughby, Thomas Archer, and others.
3. King George II: As the monarch of Great Britain, George II ultimately granted the royal charter that formally established Georgia as a colony.

what happened in The Chapter of 1732

what happened bot?

The Charter of 1732, also known as the Charter of Georgia, was granted by King George II of England. The people who played key roles in its creation were:

1. James Oglethorpe: Oglethorpe was a British general and philanthropist who led the effort to establish the colony of Georgia. He proposed the idea of a new colony where the "worthy poor" from England could have a fresh start and find economic opportunities.

2. Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia: A group of 21 trustees were appointed by King George II to govern the colony of Georgia. The trustees included influential individuals such as Thomas Archer, John Percival, and James Vernon.

3. King George II of England: As the king of England, George II issued the charter, granting permission to establish the colony of Georgia. The charter outlined the objectives, regulations, and structure of the new settlement.

These individuals and organizations were integral to the chartering of Georgia and setting the groundwork for the establishment of the colony.