Over which part of the globe do the prevailing winds blow west to east?(1 point)


between 0°S and 30°S latitude
between 0°S and 30°S latitude

between 60°S and 90°S latitude
between 60°S and 90°S latitude

between 0ºN and 30°N latitude
between 0ºN and 30°N latitude

between 30°N and 60°N latitude
between 30°N and 60°N latitude

thank you for this

between 30°N and 60°N latitude

Atmospheric Currents Quick Check

2 of 42 of 4 Items
What is the difference between the trade winds and the polar easterlies?(1 point)

The trade winds blow from west to east, and the polar easterlies blow from east to west.
The trade winds blow from west to east, and the polar easterlies blow from east to west.

The trade winds blow in the Northern Hemisphere, and the polar easterlies blow in the Southern Hemisphere.
The trade winds blow in the Northern Hemisphere, and the polar easterlies blow in the Southern Hemisphere.

The trade winds tend toward the right, and the polar easterlies tend toward the left.
The trade winds tend toward the right, and the polar easterlies tend toward the left.

The trade winds blow near the equator, and the polar easterlies blow near the poles.

The trade winds blow near the equator, and the polar easterlies blow near the poles.

Which describes the Coriolis effect?(1 point)


the direction of air currents in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
the direction of air currents in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

the uneven heating patterns between the equator and the poles
the uneven heating patterns between the equator and the poles

the circulation pattern of air near the equator
the circulation pattern of air near the equator

the density of hot and cold air

the circulation pattern of air near the equator

The correct answer is: between 30°N and 60°N latitude.

To determine this, you need to understand the global wind patterns known as the prevailing winds. The Earth's rotation and the distribution of temperature create a global pattern of winds that blow consistently in certain directions.

The region between 30°N and 60°N latitude is known as the "westerlies." As the name suggests, the prevailing winds in this region blow from west to east, meaning they generally move in an eastward direction.

To understand why this happens, it helps to know that the Earth's atmosphere is in constant motion, with warm air rising and cool air sinking. Near the equator, warm air rises and moves toward the poles. As this air moves away from the equator, it veers to the right in the Northern Hemisphere due to the Coriolis force (a result of the Earth's rotation). This deflection causes the air to move from west to east in the mid-latitudes, resulting in the westerly winds.

So, between 30°N and 60°N latitude, you can expect to find prevailing winds that blow from west to east.