What is the difference between the trade winds and the polar easterlies?

A.The trade winds blow in the Northern Hemisphere, and the polar easterlies blow in the Southern Hemisphere.
B.The trade winds blow from west to east, and the polar easterlies blow from east to west.
C.The trade winds tend toward the right, and the polar easterlies tend toward the left.
D.The trade winds blow near the equator, and the polar easterlies blow near the poles.

D.The trade winds blow near the equator, and the polar easterlies blow near the poles.

The answers are

1.) A.. between 30N and 60N latitude

2.) C.. The trade winds blow near the equator, and the polar easterlies blow near the poles.

3.) C.. the direction of air currents in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

4.) D.. the direction of air currents

@Connections Academy Is correct!


D. The trade winds blow near the equator, and the polar easterlies blow near the poles.

To determine the difference between the trade winds and the polar easterlies, we need to understand their characteristics.

The trade winds are prevailing winds that blow from east to west between the equator and 30 degrees latitude in both the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. They are called trade winds because historically they facilitated trade routes between Europe, Africa, and the Americas in the Age of Sail. Therefore, option D is incorrect.

On the other hand, the polar easterlies are winds that blow from east to west near the pole regions, typically between 60 and 90 degrees latitude in both hemispheres. They are called easterlies because they blow from the east. Therefore, option B is incorrect.

Option A is incorrect because the trade winds blow in both hemispheres, while the polar easterlies blow near the poles in both hemispheres.

Option C is also incorrect because both the trade winds and the polar easterlies tend to blow from east to west rather than towards a specific direction.

So, the correct answer is B. The trade winds blow from west to east, and the polar easterlies blow from east to west.