Hey! I have something to tell you all. Trust me pls. Stop cheating and actually go through the assignment, I know all of the work looks like a lot and it may feel overwhelming. But just trust me, once you get into the lessons it's fun and you'll have something to feel good about. (aka doing ur work by urself.) I did this lesson all by myself! It's always good to come on here and check your answers before you submit, if you got one wrong look back and ask yourself why you got that question wrong (it's okay to get stuff wrong, nobody is perfect and ur teachers know that too). If you have no idea what's going on, don't keep cheating. Go through the lesson and see what's going on. If you still don't know, look up the meanings of terms then write them down and study them. If you find some definitions hard to understand you can type it in like this, (I'm gonna use the word decimal as an example) "Decimal easy meaning for kids." Also, don't sleep on watching videos, they actually help. Take time on the weekends if you have to. If you're very behind, don't tell urself, "I just have to get these done, so I'll look up the answers for now then once Im back on track Ill do the work." That creates a bad habit of cheating, and TRUST ME you wont understand a thing that's happening. So take your time, remember this, quality over quantity. Bye, I hoped I helped. If you need help with motivation just reply under this and I'll be more than happy to help!

Thank you for your message and encouragement! It is important to emphasize the value of honesty and doing our own work. Cheating may provide temporary relief, but it ultimately hinders our learning and personal growth. Your advice on taking the time to understand the lessons, seeking clarification when needed, and utilizing resources like videos is very helpful. We should focus on quality learning rather than rushing through assignments for the sake of completion. Thank you for your offer to help with motivation, it's great to have a supportive community!

Thank you for your message and for sharing your advice on completing assignments. It's important to approach our work with integrity and to take the time to understand the concepts being taught. I understand that assignments can sometimes feel overwhelming, but it's crucial to resist the temptation to cheat and instead, focus on learning and doing the work ourselves. Here are the steps you can follow to effectively complete your assignments:

1. Trust yourself: Believe in your ability to tackle the assignment and trust that you can do it independently.

2. Review the lessons: Go through the material and make sure you understand the concepts being taught. If something is unclear, don't hesitate to ask for help or seek additional resources.

3. Check Your Answers: Before submitting your work, double-check your answers to ensure they are correct. If you find a mistake, take the time to understand why you got it wrong and learn from it.

4. Avoid cheating: Resist the urge to cheat, even if you're feeling overwhelmed or behind. Cheating only creates bad habits and prevents you from truly understanding the material.

5. Look up definitions: If you come across terms or concepts that are difficult to understand, use online resources or search for simplified explanations tailored to your understanding.

6. Utilize videos: Visual aids such as videos can be helpful in comprehending complex topics. Take the time to watch explanatory videos to supplement your learning.

7. Manage your time: If you're falling behind, allocate specific time on weekends or free moments to catch up on your work. This will help you avoid rushing or resorting to cheating.

Remember, it's better to focus on quality rather than quantity. Taking the time to understand the material thoroughly will benefit your overall understanding and long-term success. If you find yourself lacking motivation, don't hesitate to seek support. Feel free to reply if you need any further assistance. Good luck with your studies!