Construct the perpendicular bisector of segment AB

To construct the perpendicular bisector of segment AB, follow these steps:

1. Draw segment AB by placing two points A and B on the paper.

2. From points A and B, create two arcs of equal radius that intersect each other. These arcs should be large enough to intersect both points.

3. Label the points where the two arcs intersect as C and D.

4. Draw a straight line that connects points C and D.

5. Using a compass, place the center of the compass on point C (or D) and set the radius to be greater than half the length of segment AB.

6. Draw two arcs, one from A and one from B, cutting the line CD at two different points. Label these points as E and F.

7. Draw a straight line connecting points E and F.

The line that passes through E and F is the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.

To construct the perpendicular bisector of segment AB, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw segment AB with a ruler.

Step 2: Place the compass on point A and draw an arc that intersects segment AB.

Step 3: Without changing the compass width, place the compass on point B and draw another arc that intersects the previous arc.

Step 4: With the compass still set to the same width, place the compass on point A and draw another arc that intersects the first arc.

Step 5: Without changing the compass width, place the compass on point B and draw another arc that intersects the second arc.

Step 6: Use a ruler to draw a straight line that connects the intersection points of the two pairs of arcs. This line is the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.

Step 7: Label the point where the perpendicular bisector intersects segment AB as point M.