Use the additive inverse to find −123.45−(−234.76).(1 point)



negative 358.21

negative 111.31


To find the expression −123.45−(−234.76), we can use the additive inverse. The additive inverse of -234.76 is 234.76. So, -123.45 - (-234.76) can be simplified to -123.45 + 234.76 = 111.31.

Therefore, the correct answer is 111.31.

Determine the distance between 6.5 and −7.2 on a number line.(1 point)



negative 0.7

negative 13.7


To find the distance between 6.5 and -7.2 on a number line, we subtract the smaller number from the larger number and take the absolute value of the difference.

|6.5 - (-7.2)| = |6.5 + 7.2| = 13.7

Therefore, the correct answer is 13.7.

Subtract 17−(−18).

To subtract 17 - (-18), we can simplify it by changing the subtraction to addition and changing the sign of the second number.

17 + 18 = 35

Therefore, the answer is 35.

To find the additive inverse of a number, you simply change its sign by adding a negative sign in front of it.

The additive inverse of −234.76 is negative 234.76.

So, to find −123.45 − (−234.76), we can change the subtraction to addition and change the sign of the second number to its additive inverse.

This becomes −123.45 + (negative 234.76).

Now we can perform the addition:

−123.45 + (negative 234.76) = −358.21.

Therefore, the answer is −358.21.

To find the sum of two numbers, you can use the additive inverse.

The additive inverse of a number is simply its negative counterpart. For example, the additive inverse of 5 is -5, and the additive inverse of -3 is 3.

To solve the equation −123.45−(−234.76), you will need to first find the additive inverse of −234.76, which is +234.76.

Now, you can rewrite the equation as −123.45 + 234.76.

To find the sum, you add the two numbers together: -123.45 + 234.76 = 111.31.

Therefore, the answer is 111.31.