Choose the correct answer from the drop down menu. (1 point)

resulted in the deaths of approximately a third of the Native American Population during de Soto’s exploration


r u sure

Yes, I am sure. Disease, particularly European diseases such as smallpox, played a major role in the decimation of the Native American populations during de Soto's exploration and subsequent European colonization.

Which of the following is NOT a reason for European exploration of the Americas?(1 point)


They wanted to expand national riches
They wanted to expand national riches

Gaining personal glory for explorers
Gaining personal glory for explorers

They wanted to spread Christianity to Native Americans
They wanted to spread Christianity to Native Americans

They were interested in trying Native American food

They were interested in trying Native American food


To determine the correct answer from the drop-down menu, we can analyze the given options:

- "Warfare" refers to the act of engaging in armed conflict.
- "Enslavement" signifies the practice of making someone a slave or placing them in a state of bondage.
- "Relocation" pertains to the act of moving or resettling people or communities to different locations.
- "Disease" refers to the occurrence of illness or sickness.

Based on historical knowledge, we know that a significant portion of Native Americans died during the exploration of Hernando de Soto due to diseases brought by Europeans that the Native Americans had no immunity to. This devastated their population. Therefore, the correct answer is "disease."