How did empire-building benefit farm production?

(1 point)

by reducing population pressure
by reducing population pressure

by providing more labor resources
by providing more labor resources

by expanding trade alliances
by expanding trade alliances

by making available fertile flat lands

by making available fertile flat lands

Empire-building benefited farm production in several ways:

1. By reducing population pressure: Empire-building often involved the conquest and colonization of new territories, which allowed for the expansion of agricultural land. This reduced population pressure on existing farmland and provided space for new farms to be established.

2. By providing more labor resources: Conquered territories and colonies brought with them a larger workforce that could be utilized for agricultural production. The empire builders could conscript or enslave the local populations to work on the farms, increasing the available labor resources and ultimately leading to higher levels of farm production.

3. By expanding trade alliances: The establishment of empires enabled the expansion of trade networks and alliances. This allowed for the exchange of agricultural products, knowledge, and techniques between different regions. As a result, farmers within the empire could access new markets and resources, leading to increased productivity and improved farm production.

4. By making available fertile flat lands: Empire-building often involved the acquisition of territories with fertile and arable land. This provided farmers with access to new agricultural areas, allowing them to cultivate crops more efficiently and effectively. The availability of fertile flat lands facilitated higher yields and contributed to the overall growth of farm production within the empire.