In which way does industrial biotechnology benefit society?

a. by increasing production of goods

b. by reducing waste in landfills

c. by making food more nutritious

d. by reducing the incidence of disease

e. by providing renewable energy sources

f. by creating new materials and products

Answer: a, b, c, e, f


there was never e or f


To determine the correct answer, let's examine each option and analyze how industrial biotechnology benefits society:

a. By increasing production of goods: Industrial biotechnology can enhance production processes by utilizing biological systems and organisms. These advancements can lead to increased efficiency, productivity, and cost-effectiveness, ultimately resulting in a greater supply of goods. Therefore, option a is a valid explanation of how industrial biotechnology benefits society.

b. By reducing waste in landfills: Industrial biotechnology can contribute to waste reduction by employing bioconversion processes to convert waste materials into valuable products. This approach can minimize the amount of waste sent to landfills and promote sustainable resource utilization. Therefore, option b is also a valid explanation of the benefits of industrial biotechnology.

c. By making food more nutritious: Industrial biotechnology can play a crucial role in improving the nutritional value of food through techniques such as genetic engineering. By enhancing the nutritional profiles of crops, industrial biotechnology can positively impact the dietary quality and health of individuals. Therefore, option c is a valid explanation as well.

d. By reducing the incidence of disease: Although industrial biotechnology has numerous healthcare applications, such as the development of pharmaceuticals and vaccines, it is not primarily responsible for reducing the incidence of diseases in society. Therefore, option d is not the most accurate answer to the question.

In conclusion, based on the explanations provided, options a, b, and c are all valid ways in which industrial biotechnology benefits society.