How does agricultural biotechnology benefit society?(1 point)


It improves living organisms or parts of organisms by producing desired traits.

It reduces waste and prevents pollution.

It makes production processes more effective and less harmful to people and the environment.

It improves health by using cells and cell materials to cure diseases.

The correct answer is: It improves living organisms or parts of organisms by producing desired traits.

To understand how agricultural biotechnology benefits society, we can look at the given responses:

1. It improves living organisms or parts of organisms by producing desired traits.
Agricultural biotechnology allows scientists to modify crops and animals to enhance their characteristics. This can lead to higher crop yields, improved nutritional content, and increased resistance to pests and diseases. These modifications help in addressing food security issues, promoting sustainable agriculture, and ensuring a stable food supply for growing populations.

2. It reduces waste and prevents pollution.
By employing biotechnology techniques, agricultural waste can be minimized and managed more efficiently. For example, bioremediation methods can be used to clean up contaminated soil and water, reducing pollution caused by agricultural activities such as pesticide and fertilizer use. Additionally, biotechnology enables the production of biofuels, which provide an alternative to fossil fuels and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, mitigating climate change.

3. It makes production processes more effective and less harmful to people and the environment.
Biotechnology allows for the development of improved agricultural practices that are more environmentally friendly and economically viable. For instance, genetically engineered crops can be resistant to pests, reducing the need for chemical pesticides that harm the environment and human health. Biotechnological advancements can also lead to the development of more efficient and sustainable farming techniques, such as precision agriculture and hydroponics.

4. It improves health by using cells and cell materials to cure diseases.
Agricultural biotechnology not only benefits crop production but also has implications for human health. Biotechnological advancements have led to the development of vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutic proteins derived from genetically modified plants and animals. These advancements have the potential to improve disease prevention and treatment, especially in areas with limited access to healthcare resources.

In summary, agricultural biotechnology offers numerous societal benefits by enhancing crop productivity, reducing waste and pollution, promoting sustainable agriculture, improving production processes, and contributing to advancements in human health.

Agricultural biotechnology benefits society in several ways:

1. It improves living organisms or parts of organisms by producing desired traits: Agricultural biotechnology allows for the genetic modification of crops and livestock to enhance traits such as drought resistance, disease resistance, and increased nutritional value. This helps in producing higher yields and improving food quality, which can contribute to addressing issues like food security and malnutrition.

2. It reduces waste and prevents pollution: Biotechnology can help in developing crops that are more efficient at utilizing nutrients and minimizing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This reduces the environmental impact and potential pollution associated with conventional agricultural practices.

3. It makes production processes more effective and less harmful to people and the environment: Biotechnology can lead to the development of more sustainable agricultural practices, such as the use of biofuels or biological pest control methods. This reduces dependence on fossil fuels and decreases the use of toxic chemicals, making agriculture more environmentally friendly.

4. It improves health by using cells and cell materials to cure diseases: Biotechnology plays a crucial role in developing medical treatments, such as vaccines and medicines, using cells and cell materials. This contributes to improving healthcare and managing diseases, ultimately benefiting society's overall health and well-being.